Monday, August 2, 2010

Realization of Victimization

FROM JAMIE: Just the other day while registering for the Calm Amid Chaos course, I was doing my typical "wishing." I wished I could go to more than one course a year..I wished I could have 2 Outreaches a year...I wished I could send in Videos for Consutlations as much as possible.....I wish I had a boyfriend/husband to help me....I wished my family helped me and was more supportive .... and then ... I had a REALIZATION OF VICTIMIZATION!

I am a single mom running a Son-Rise program for now 10 years plus. I have struggled financially for many years. The last few years have been the toughtest. I am not able to work at the present time to take care of Tyler. I am struggling to pay my bills monthly. So, as i wished and wished and wished daily, one day it finally hit me like a ton of bricks! I was watching the movie Surfs Up and Big Z says ~ "Never Give Up. Find a Way. That's What Winners Do." ~ At that very moment I realized that even though I wasnt giving up on Tyler, I wasnt finding a way to get to where I wanted to go for as much as I wanted for Tyler. I was playing the "victim" ~ I never moved! I was waiting for help from someone, from somewhere. I wasnt getting very far being a victim. Ive been somewhat "standing still" all this time. I dont want to be a victim anymore. I am going to find a way to get more for Tyler. To be continued .........

Love, Jamie


  1. Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you. Isn't this the truth, it is so easy to wish -but we actually already have the power! What a great realization!
