Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Creativity Abounds: Another Game Idea

FROM KATE: Hello everyone! This week, our lovely Kim, Child Facilitator extraordinaire, will be demonstrating a rip-tag game. It's a game that's easy to make and easy to build on - to really engage your children when they want physical interaction.

Have a great time playing!

With love,


  1. Kim, I love it! Watching you at the Option Institute during the Adult programs I've attended,I just knew that you'd be absolutely fantastic as a Son-Rise program child facilitator! What a gift! So much to give...the sky's the limit!
    Lot's of love,

  2. I can't wait to try this with my 22 month old son who loves active play and running, and I have been trying to think of some ways to stimulate a 'request' for that play. Thanks Katie!!!

    Autumn in Ohio
    mom of Liam
