Friday, April 24, 2009

Wide Awake

Good Morning!

It's Friday the sun in streaming into my office window, and I am filled with a huge feeling of gratitude for my life. Working here At the Autism Treatment Center Of America I get to do what I most enjoy. This week we have a beautiful 8 year old, he is Autistic, tall thin with dark curly hair, and he is thoroughly joyous.

He loves to be squeezed, tickled, spun and thrown onto our crash mat. Getting to be part of the team who loves him, challenges him and joins him as he dances around the playroom is totally delicious. Watching him try so hard to talk and connect is an honor.

Part of being a staff member at the Option Institute means that we can take a program during our vacations for free. How great is that!! So next week I am going to take the advance Option Process Program, Wide Awake. This is a program that is taught entirely by Bears Kaufman. I get to spend five whole days just thinking about myself, taking apart my thoughts and beliefs about myself and the events and people around me, so that I can deepen and strengthen my ability to choose love, acceptance and happiness no matter what is going on around me.

I feel lucky and blessed to be alive today.
Let me know why you feel lucky to be alive today, and we can blast the Internet with blessed, grateful thoughts!
I will let you know how the program goes!

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