Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I'm a proud Mummy of 2 sons, one of whom is blessed with Autism and the other who is his STAR therapist. We are currently involved in the Son Rise Program and absolutely enjoy every minute of it. Due to Anthony's Autism we have become healthier, more aware, more loving, growing spiritually, mentally and absolutely respecting and loving life .

I'm also very passionate about the Option process, i believe if you want to help your children you have to truly be whom you'd want your children to be..NO FAKING.. the Option Institute is holding my hand in helping me achieve what is said to be impossible. Happiness does last forever and Autism is curable.

After completing the Start Up in 2008, with in days i noticed changes in Anthony. He started talking more and became even more happier than what he was. I then completed Calm Amid Chaos in March 2009 and Woooo! did that magically change my life and steer me in a path of calmness and happiness. I've never felt so powerful and confident in my life.

Straight after the Calm Amid Chaos program i completed the Maximum Impact program again WOOOO! these people at the Option Institute really know their stuff and truly are there to help you and most of all your Child.
It's no secret that Bears and Samahria are my human Gods and of course Raun is my Hero.

The day i landed back home (in the great land of OZ, Australia) my little Anthony Kissed my cheek guided me to the lounge and put his little hands on my cheeks, looked me straight in the eyes and said " hi how are you? " waited for a response with the worlds biggest smile and then said " I LOVE YOU". My little Angel knew exactly what he was saying and who he was saying it to. His speech has increased and other people might see him as autistic but i just see him as perfection but nonetheless everyone, including our "there is no cure for Autism doctor" have seen amazing changes and are all interested in passing on the word about the Option Institute and Miracles Indeed do happen to those who believe.

lots of laughter and fun to you all. poppy

1 comment:

  1. Me llamo Fernanda y tengo un hijo con PDD, su nombre es Arthur, el tiene 5 años y aún no habla, las dificuldades san muchas y acá en Brazil no se encóntram tratamientos adecquados para autismo.
    ?Como hacer para recebir ayuda do Metodo Son-Rise?

    Fernanda y Arthur
