Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Easter

I have to say that I just love Easter! Along with Halloween it is my favorite holiday. I love the feel of the spring-ish air and the promise of longer warmer summer nights. I love the symbolism that Easter represents. That we can be reborn, change, let go of the old and become whoever we want. And begin to nurture the new inside of ourselves.

I host an Easter event every year for my two God children and close friends. This year there will be 11 of us! Amongst the Eastery things such as painting eggs, and hiding plastic Easter Eggs containing gluten free, sugar free, Casein free, everything free treats inside, I have my own made up tradition.

I have everyone who wishes decorate a flower plot and plant a seed, usually a sun flower seed or two as they seem to be indestructible. The person is to think of something that they want to focus on and grow within themselves, and they then write that word on the flower pot. Then as they nurture and water the seed they are constantly reminded of what they want to grow inside themselves, and the new is born.

Lately I have been attached and needing things to go a certain way for me to feel comfortable and peaceful, so this year I am thinking of writing the words " Let go" on my pot, so I can grow my ability to be unattached to the outcome of my actions.

Enjoy this coming Easter Sunday whether you celebrate or not.

1 comment:

  1. I love your idea of the flower pot, Thanks for the inspiration Kate xx
