Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Foods, Yum Yum

Good afternoon.

As a lot of you know, here at The Autism Treatment Center of America we have a program called The Son-Rise Program Intensive . It is a program where a child diagnosed on Autism Spectrum comes with their parents for a week. We work with their child each day using The Son-Rise Program principles, and teach the parents how to work with their child using The Son-Rise Program, to help their child grow in all areas of social development.

While the child is here they often do things for the first time, whether it is saying new, or even their first words, lengthening their interactive attention span, or hug their parents for the first time.

This week with have an adorable 6 year old boy with curly blond hair. He was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 2.

He loves many things, particularly staring at the walls, picking his mouth and laughing while running around the room.

One of his challenges is eating new foods. Like a lot of Autistic children he is a very picky eater, he likes, pork sausages, ice cream, soda, popcorn, and various juices, and that's it.

We have been working with him now for three days spending our time loving him, joining him as he stares at the wall, picking our lips as he picks his, and celebrating every move he makes towards us.

Today he drank water for the first time, and ate his very first blue berry, HOORAY!!!

Monday morning I had suggested to his lovely Mom that we put water in the playroom to drink, instead of all the soda. She replied, "Oh he won't drink that", and then stopped for a moment and said, "But you know I have never even tried".

So we put water into the playroom and encouraged him to drink it with the energy , excitement and enthusiasm of the Son-Rise Program, and today just three days later he is drinking water and enjoying it!

If you catch yourself thinking, "Oh he won't do that", concerning something with your child think twice.

Because if you never give your child the opportunity to do something they have never done before, then they won't even be able to try.

Now because this Mom tried something new, and persisted with presenting it, her child will enjoy the health benefits of water for the rest of his life.

With the economy the way it is, it will also be cheaper on the purse.

Enjoy your time with your lovely children.

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