Monday, October 18, 2010

Taking Action!

From Kim:
Hello wonderful friends of The Son-Rise Program! I am very excited to share with you part of my daily playroom process :)

One thing that I decide to do before I enter the playroom is set an intention for myself! One of the most powerful intentions that I set is deciding to TAKE ACTION. When I decide to take action I can use the first thing that comes to my mind and decide to go for it 100%!

Through the intention of taking action I am able to clearly decide that what I am doing is the absolute most POWERFUL and VALUABLE action I can take in the playroom with this child. The power of a decisive mind, the power of saying YES to myself and following through, and the power of WANTING to be a force of nature in each moment, allows me the clarity within myself to be a present powerhouse in that playroom-AWESOME! Yes, we all have the opportunity to take each moment of our day, our playroom times, and our lives to be POWERFUL, LOVING BEINGS OF ACTION!

When I'm in the playroom and I decide to TAKE ACTION, I am also giving a beautiful gift to the child that I am working with- I am helping them by giving them the opportunity to make clearer decisions for themselves as well as expressing themselves more fully. They can use their language to tell me "no" if it is something that they are not wanting and instead they can tell me or show me they are looking for something else... When joining as a way of taking action I join with every 3E (energy, excitement, enthusiasm) in my body -wanting to discover this child fully. Again, giving them the opportunity and clarity of giving a strong green light (e.g. looks, sounds, words, gestures) to share their readiness to interact.

Taking action is also a huge tool in my decision making in building games when a child gives me a green light. When I decide to take action I can use the first silly idea, playful voice, or action that comes to my mind and decide to go for it 100% to create a game!

Now you may be asking yourself is this some playroom secret that Kim is revealing to us... :) Well the truth is, it is something that we all have within ourselves and it is up to us to decide to use it!! Have fun taking action, have fun playing games, and have incredible moments of being the powerhouses that you are with the children you love!

Warmest smiles,

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