From Gaby
Son-Rise meetings are essential. It's when we all come together as a group and decide how to help the one inspirational person that brought us together. After each meeting I always feel blessed. Blessed that I have this great team of players. Wonderful people who always are willing to help out. At the moment we have 12 players but at the last meeting we were with 15 as two old players decided to sit in on a meeting again because they want to keep in contact. Just imagine how wonderful that is to see all this warmth.
Because attitude is so important I decided to give the teams some homework for the last two meetings . The week before the meeting they had to listen to some Option cd’s. We started with fearless and last Friday we talked about radical authenticity. We spend about an hour per meeting on the option principals. Because it’s fun to play a game I made some cards for the first meeting. On them were written the words belief, attitude and feeling. Depending on which card they got they had to talk about a situation and highlight the belief, attitude or feeling behind the moment. I then did dialogues with them about it. We had an inspirational evening as the volunteers shared private moments and it was as if we were at the institute. The group just came together as never before. Since then our Son-Rise program has surged forward and two of my volunteers have enrolled as volunteers at the Option Institute which ultimately will help us even more. They will be number four and five of my team going so far. It’s amazing how many miles my son has moved so many people, all the way across the Atlantic thanks to his autism. He has changed just as many life’s as they the volunteers have changed our’s.
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