Friday, October 15, 2010

Lived Happily Ever After!

FROM WILLIAM: Over the last month or so I have been facilitating joint consultation sessions between parents. This is where husband and wife or partners sit down to specifically focus on their relationship – what is working/not working; what they would like more of or less of from their partner. It is a wonderful process to be involved in and for some partners it is the first time that they have ever done anything quite like this. Always the couples leave the consultation with a greater understanding of their partner and a deeper appreciation that their partner is just like them doing the best they can in their perfect and in-perfect way. It is through this understanding that their relationship improves, for most of them love one another and want to make their relationship work.

My wife (Bryn) and I have done numerous joint consultations over the 20 yrs of our marriage and they have been such a great tool in helping us move beyond places we are stuck; disagreements we seem unable to go beyond or work out; neediness for the other person to change before we can relax and fully open up to loving them again; etc. Our relationship today is the best it has ever been – it continues to get richer and more intimate. In part that is because of these joint consultations and the part the Option Process plays in them.

There is a line that appears in fairytales (and for some a truth they hold when the first get married) – “and they lived happily ever after!” This line should be changed to include “and they worked happily and committedly on their relationship for all the years they were together – then they lived happily ever after!”

Note: When mom and dad are getting on then their Son-Rise Program with their child is stronger for it.

Love and smiles


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