Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Insider Playroom Tips (2)

FROM KATRINA: All right y'all, I have racked mine and my fellow facilitator's brains to give you insider tips to the ultimate distraction free playroom. (Please note that these are simply ideas and everyone's playroom is individual and I truly believe that YOU know what is best for your child).
When playing in families' playrooms here are things that we frequently recommend parent's look into:

LIGHTING- Make sure to not use florescent lighting as this is particularly distracting with various hums, flickers, and the light itself can be overstimulating. Also, watch to see what kind of light your room receives from the sun over the day and how this affects your child. Some children are bothered by too much light, in which case you could use curtains, blinds, or turn off your playroom lights. If you have a dimmer you could dim the lights when your child seems more stimulated.
WINDOWS - Many times I go to homes and children spend a lot of time looking out the window -it is a huge distraction. If you want to keep the light in the room try covering the windows with rough Plexiglas's or wall paper (parents who have done this please comment with what you have used to help others)
NON-STIMULATING WALLS - Keep the walls as distraction free as possible. Take down photos, borders or wall paper. Paint the room one color (if possible a neutral or non-bright color (sometimes I think even white is too bright on sensitive eyes)) If your child likes to hang up drawings or art work, encourage them to take them down at the end of the day or week (perhaps keep a scrapbook for him/her if he wants to keep things)

Here are just a few ideas. Be sure to watch out as there are many more ideas to come. Feel free to post your own comments, questions, or ideas as well.



  1. We bought a stick-on window covering at Home Depot. It is made to use on bathroom windows to make them opaque, but it still lets in plenty of light. It was easy to do the little windows, but you need 6 hands to put it up on large windows!

  2. For the window, you can buy removable window tint or frosting. Sometimes it's static cling, sometimes you apply it like a decal with water and a squeegee, and sometimes it's just a big removable sticker.

  3. oi gostaria de receber imformacoes e tecnicas do programa son-rise por imail ,,,joseanesiva
