Thursday, January 27, 2011

26 and still growing.

 From Kate Wilde:
This week at The Son-Rise Intensive Program we have a 26 year old man here with his family. One of his isms is closing his eyes, while making a rhythmic clicking sound with his tongue. as I watch him he looks so peaceful and purposeful like a Yogi in prayer.

On Monday he spent most of the day with his eyes closed. Tuesday he began to open them for short periods of time. Today he has been belly laughing as Kim our Son-Rise Program facilitator sings songs as she dances around the room, and has been participating in throwing balls, getting hand massages and initiating interaction with us.

He is interacting, doing things that his parents feared he would not be able to do, he is doing this at age 26.

He is proof that you can still grow no matter your age or your diagnosis.
Never give up hope.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kate, we hear so much about early intervention . I know many of us feel anxious about lost years,or even months and weeks-these sort of stories keep us focused on what we CAN be doing ,not on what we SHOULD have done,thanks again, Marina (Jed (6),doing beautifully )
