Friday, November 19, 2010


Today I write this blog as a dedication to my amazing and inspirational teachers here at The Autism Treatment Center of America and The Option Institute. To Bears, Samahria, Bryn, William, and Kate!

I am so very grateful for each of you...

For the desire you have to help me grow, learn, and develop!
For the questions you ask that help me find my OWN answers- the empowerment of knowing myself is an incredible gift!
For helping me see the beauty of opening my senses to being present in my life and appreciating each moment- ahhh this is so huge!
For the constant loving encouragement you share with me on my journey as a student and as a leader!
For challenging me to grow myself in ways I had not even imagined possible- seeing these changes in myself daily is exhilarating!

You believe in me- and I feel it, see it, and appreciate it each new day walking onto campus at The Option Institute and the Autism Treatment Center of America! Thank you for Believing!

Dear Son Rise parents out there, I share this dedication with you as a bit of inspiration in running your Son Rise Program at home. You are the leaders of your program, and as leaders and teachers of your own team of volunteers, you too can provide the most loving system of support for those who work with you and your child!

Reach your hands out with love!
Challenge them to grow!
Encourage and CELEBRATE them!

We are all students and always growing, the power of feeling believed in and loved our journey of growth is something that can only nourish this experience.

Much love,

1 comment:

  1. Dear, dear, dear Kim: Thank you for all your sweet, loving and gracious words of appreciation to so many. Please know that you are such a gift to the Autism Treatment Center of America, to the Son-Rise Program...such a gift for all those families and children that get to experiece your playful caring, your loving energy and your awesome ability to connect to all the children in help in the Son-Rise Program playroom. A fanciful thought: when God wanted to spread more joy on the planet, he made you. Love and gratitude, Bears (Son-Rise Program Co-Founder)
