Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Vote to Support Autism Documentary!

Beautiful Son-Rise and Option friends: Please help support the following endeavor to support a new documentary, "The United States of Autism", which will feature Son-Rise families and our own Raun Kaufman, among other prominent figures in the autism community. They could really use the Pepsi funding to support producing the film, so vote every day!

In a daring move, the Pepsico Company decided in 2010 to forgo their normal Super Bowl advertising and instead give the money away to individuals and charities around the nation in their Refresh Everything Campaign. The only autism organization featured in this month's contest of 729 candidates is the Tommy Foundation, co-founded by two ATCA program graduates who provide support to multiple Son-Rise families through volunteers, funding, and love. They are currently 3rd in the top 10 ideas for the month and qualified for their prize category of $50,000, but they need everyone's support to finish out the month of March strong. Please go to http://refresheverything.com/usofautism to vote every day (you receive new votes daily) for this great cause. Proceeds will go towards a major autism documentary, The United States of Autism, that tells the stories of 20 families across the nation including those using Son-Rise, as well as to provide trainings and support services to individuals on the spectrum. For more information on the film, and to see the latest news and videos, please visit http://usofautism.com/

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting and for the support. We are so happy to be a Son-Rise family and to always count on the support of leaders like Raun. Many Blessings and lots of 3 E's always :)
