Friday, December 4, 2009

From Becky: Prime of My Life!

From Becky: Today it is my 35th birthday! Recently I was having a conversation with one of my close friends about how my birthday was coming up and it wasn't a big deal. My friend said "Don't you ever say that it's not a big deal! Your birthday is the day you were born and that's a very BIG DEAL!!!"

From that moment, I realized that by saying that I was playing myself down and making myself small and irrelevant which is how I lived most of my life up until coming the work at The Autism Treatment Center of America. I changed my attitude in an instant.

So today I am going to celebrate celebrate celebrate! It is really something that I am here, I am alive and I was born!

It matters that I choose happiness everyday when so many people around me are choosing anger, hate and discomfort.

It is a big deal that I have helped so many families reach their special children over the years and that I have inspired children to stretch and grow in unimaginable ways.

It is important that I have challenged so many beliefs, and changed the ones that weren't working for me anymore, even when I thought for sure that I wasn't able to.

And most of all, I am extremely grateful to myself for being my own biggest teacher.

I am in the prime of my life! Some may think that being in your twenties is being in the prime of your life. As I turn 35 today, I am living my life in a bigger way than I ever have.

When I was thirty, I began my journey at The Autism Treatment Center of America, and began an incredible adventure, an adventure of love, acceptance and hope. Why would I want to be younger when I have so much more today?

I encourage you all to celebrate yourselves for being born today! You matter and you are a big deal!


  1. you're definitely important to me, becky! love you! and thanks for this, it was great timing. have a magnificent birthday!
    love, snuri

  2. Hi Becky,
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I love you and I want you to know how important you are to me. I am so grateful that you were born and that I could get to know you, I am so grateful for all the things you have taught me about Son Rise and also for your warm and loving friendship and the fun we have had making music together. I wish you all the joy in the world as you continue as a teacher helping special children - which I know means to much to you.
    Loving you BIG Alison
