Monday, December 14, 2009


From Kate Wilde: Today, as we do every Monday, the Son-Rise Program Intensive staff got together and did a guided visualization. The subject of our visualization is the Frederick family. They are here this week attending the Son-Rise Program Intensive with their five year old son with Autism.

We have yet to met them, but even before we do we have sat down held hands and opened our hearts to them. Setting our intention to offer them our love and acceptance first, and our knowledge second. Knowing that this is the most important thing we can do. That it is our love that will be the most powerful in helping facilitate any changes that they are wanting for themselves and their son.

As we hold hands together and send them this love, we grow stronger as a team, united by the clarity of a single vision, that no matter the situation, love is the answer.

Another week of joining, challenging, theme making, feedback, dialogs, and answering questions lies before us.

What lies before you and what will be your underlying intention as you spring into action?

Much love to you

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