Thursday, October 15, 2009


It is a great morning here at The Autism Treatment Center of America.
We have a beautiful red headed 7 year old boy with autism working his hardest at The Son-Rise Program Intensive. One of his isms is to touch his hair, or the tips of his toes and stare into the corners of the room. This is particularly exciting for me as I have always thought that if I had been autistic, that would have been the ism I would have chosen for myself.

Today I want to share with you part of a poem by an anonymous author:

"Even if someone does not love you the way that you want them to
It does not mean that they don't love you with all that they have."

These two lines have always been meaningful to me, as it is my experience that if I am looking or attached to someone being a certain way I am sure to miss all the love, and splendid gifts they have, and are offering to me.

See all the love that is being given to you today.

Sending much love to all of you

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Kate!
    I copied the poem to my facebook profile.

    After a week with a lot of frustrations I started my day with meditaions on Loving Kindnes and Compassion. - it made all the difference. I'll continue my week with your words in my heart.

