Monday, October 5, 2009

Energy Enthusiam and Excitement

Here at The autism Treatment Center of America everything we do, we do with Energy Enthusiasm and Excitement - the keys to creating fun, creative and joyful interactions with our children on the Autism Spectrum. Click on the video below for a tip to kick start your enthusiasm! Or if you are on face book right now, click on the title of this blog, then on "View Original blog" that will take you to where the video is stored, then just click on the video itself.

With much love


  1. This is just what I needed this morning. Thank you Kate and Jack.
    Much love,

  2. Kate & Jack... you rock, that was awesome and instant energy and a smile to my face... love these videos keep 'em up :).
    Love and 3Es - Kelli

  3. Kate and Jack,

    you kick ass. I mean seriOsquiolio rock. Thank you so much for this this morning. It's perfect. =)

  4. This was great! I wasn't expecting it and it made me laugh out loud!
