Monday, August 3, 2009

There are no rules.

"There are no rules"

You could say that this is a motto amongst the Son-Rise Program teachers". Often times parents will makes comments like,"You can answer any question", or 'You always seem to know what to do", "or "You know my child so well, yet you have never met him".

One of the reasons why, apart from that each of us have so much experience with so many children is that we come from the perspective, "There are no rules".

This allows us to listen carefully to what is being said, to study the circumstances surrounding a child, to observe and be present, then pull from a variety of different Son-Rise Program attitudes and Son-Rise Program techniques the one that seems to suite the situation the most.

Our children are our greatest teachers in this regards, they don't care on bit about our rule bound world, they assess the situation, suss out the surrounding attitudes and go for what they want the faster way they know how. In one sense, they are far more present that we are.

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely right about this. My son works best when he is listened to, something the school system has not learned to do with him yet. Even though my son has a one track mind, when he is reasoned with (he is high functioning autistic) he will perform and "earn" what he wants. I still have alot to learn about him and autism, but this is a good start!
