Monday, August 24, 2009

Honoring Our Staff

From Bears (Barry Neil Kaufman/Co-Founder/Son-Rise Program. I wanted to share with you an all staff email I just wrote to our staff....who just go above and beyond, all year, to be loving and supportive for so many moms, dads, professionals and volunteers wanting to learn the Son-Rise Program in order to help children with autism.

WE HIT 90!!!
for the August Son-Rise Program Start-Up last night!

Dear Amazing Team:

To Jan-Marie/Rachel and Brian/Lori on the front/front lines with our families, to Terri and Candy, Zoe, Dane, registration/accounting --- wow, you've rocked the roof and have brought to the Institute so many people for us to help and teach this week during the August Son-Rise Start-Up Program...moms, dads, professionals, supportive volunteers - to help them, their families and, most profoundly, their children. I have no doubt that the universe is smiling upon all of you. Given we have many Son-Rise Program Start-Ups, Maximum Impacts and New Frontiers programs each year in the United States and Europe (some with registrations in excess of 100 and 200 participants), your ability to individually talk with and personally support so many people continually throughout the year is nothing short of spectacular. And this doesn't include all the families that come each week for customized Son-Rise Program family intensives. Thank you for demonstrating so much love and dedication.

To Bryn and to Scott - your guidance, your direction, your management and your persistence with this amazing team is clearly demonstrated by the number of people we will be serving in the Son-Rise Program Start-Up today. Standing ovation to both of you.

Standing ovation to the entire Autism Treatment Center of America and Option Institute team.

I salute you! Samahria salutes you (she's saluting you right now over my shoulder as I type). I have no doubt, our Board of Directors and OMT management team, who will receive this message, will also be saluting you. You enhance our ability in the world to meaningful help countless families and their children.

PS: Big wow to all the staff, who like every program week, will show up with class, energy and love - as teachers (Samahria, Bryn, William, Kate, Carolina, Beverly, Clyde, et al.), as guest services and property management folks, as front office and back office support, in the kitchen, in our IT department, in worldwide communication and public education and in development- throughout the entire 100 acre campus, you all show up with dedication and excellence...and lot of love/big time. And the families we serve know that. Blessings to all of you!

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