Monday, June 20, 2011


From Kate Wilde:

It is Monday morning - the beginning of our week here At The Autism Treatment Center of America. The very first thing we do each Monday morning right at 8.30am is a mediation. Every single person on the Son-Rise Program Intensive team sits down together, we hold hands and begin to visualize how we want to be in the week ahead. The meditation varies from week to week, but it is always centered around embracing and loving our new Son-Rise Program Intensive family and child. We focus on finding a place inside ourselves that is the most loving the most embracing and making that bigger. This sets our intention and tone for the week ahead.

This is something you can do at home right now. As you think about the week ahead, is there anything that you are dreading, fearing or not wanting to happen? Are you hoping or wishing that your child will not tantrum this week, or do a particular ism that you find challenging? If you are this would be the most perfect thing for you to embrace verses push away. Close your eyes, find a peaceful and loving place inside of yourself. Then imagine the event you are not wanting to happen, see it in your minds eye. Then surround that event in a light of acceptance. As you do this, relax any part of your body that might be tense, and open your arms to this situation.
The more we can relax and embrace the events that are challenging for us, the more of ourselves we will have to bring to the situation. Loving and embracing the situation will not stop you from wanting to find a way to help your child, it will expand your mind, and your heart, making it bigger so that you can see more clearly what is happening and thus help your child with more clarity.

Have fun with your children this week
with love to you

1 comment:

  1. I believe that message come at exactly the moment you are ready to receive them. This is the case with this message. My Son-Rise program starts in earnest this week as school has just ended - and I admit to being a bit overwhelmed. I attended class in December. I'm rusty, despite having worked successfully in the playroom part-time with my son since January. My attitude is one of loving acceptance. I'm a different kind of parent. My son has blossomed. Yet, deep inside, I'm fearful of the time in the playroom. Your message about meditation gave me a gentle nudge to look inside myself, free from judgment, and lovingly commit to do what feels good and loving. Now, I'm ready!
