Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Incredible Growth in Just Two Months!

FROM BECKY: At our Son-Rise Program Intensive this week, we are working with an incredible family from New York and their beautiful 7 year old girl! This family came to our Start-Up Program in February and have been working with their daughter for just two months.

This little girl had no eye contact, she rarely made any sounds, her interactive attention span was non existent and she also had absolutely no awareness of the people around her. In that little time, her eye contact has grown hugely and she is looking in other peoples eyes very frequently in a connected and meaningful way, often with a sweet smile on her face as she looks. She is making many approximations of words such as "oll" for "roll" and "ra" for "ride", she is also saying some clear words such as "Hi" and "tickle". Her interactive attention span is now six minutes long on average and she is playing many 15-20 minute games with us. She is a sweet, loving, girl who loves people.

This family have been a huge inspiration to our team at The Autism Treatment Center of America. They run a full time Son-Rise Program with three volunteers, even though she goes to school every day. She is also a child of eight!

Amazing, huh?

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