Monday, April 18, 2011

Build Build Build!

FROM BECKY: I was working in The Son-Rise Program playroom this morning with a beautiful 7 year old child with autism. For most of the two hours that I played with him, he was exclusive, doing his own thing, circuiting around the room, sitting on the therapy ball, lying on the floor and staring at his hands, staring at himself in the mirror and drinking from his water bottle.

During this period he looked at me many, many times. I would celebrate and build an activity for him to be a part of. I offered him rolls on the ball, I danced for him, sang and played a drum, created an obstacle course, read a book, threw myself onto the floor, offered him an upside down ride and lassoed a toy bumble bee. I built my little heart out and he wasn't interested in any of my ideas.

Did I take this personally?...NO! Did I judge my ideas?....NO! Did I worry?....NO! He just wasn't ready to play! I had fun anyway, I had the best time! I enjoyed every minute of it!

What matters is that you have fun, you build with passion, you keep trying! You are not attached to whether your child responds or not. Just keep going!

Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Autumn from IllinoisApril 19, 2011 at 9:59 AM

    This is a good reminder to persevere no matter our child's choices! I believe we should continue to demonstrate our love, for if and when our child is to respond, it'll be to that unconditional love!
