Monday, January 25, 2010

Making Yourself Understood

From Kate Wilde:Some of our children on the Autism Spectrum have a large vocabulary and can verbally engage using complex sentences, but still have a challenge making themselves understood. They may relay a story to you about something that happened and leave our vital information, thus not making much sense to you. You might experience them sharing a story to someone about something that happened when you were there, but the other person was not. You understand what they are trying to say just because you were there not from their words alone.

The Son- Rise Program Developmental model
will help you assess whether your child is at the stage where we would suggest you begin to work on this skill, if this is the case, then below are some games that you can use to help your child strengthen this skill. If not, do read on as these games can be adapted to the goals you are working on with your child.

Only use your words.
  • Create pictures that your child looks at and then has to get you to draw the exact same picture by only using their words.
  • Create an obstacle course together with your child, then blind fold yourself and have your child guide your around the course by only using their words.
  • Take turns being the talker and the listener.

The above game ideas will help your child strengthen their ability to use language to convey all the information needed, and see the literal effect of what happens when they do not give all the info - for example a different picture is drawn,- or you are not able to do the obstacle course. For children who learn visually this is excellent.

When, Who , What?

  • Create stories together that have these three components, when did it happen, who was there, and what exactly took place.
  • To begin with you can create stories that are written on three different cards, on the first card it is entitled, WHEN you just write when it happen, and then the second card is WHO which states who was there, and third card say with WHAT happened. Bring them in and read them to your child, highlighting the three important pieces of information each story has.
  • Make the stories fun, following your child motivations, if your child is into Dora the Explorer make it about one of her adventures.
  • Make up stories together, using the sequence of When, Who and Where.
  • When you share your own stories make it clear that you are sharing first when, then who and then where etc.

Thank you to however wrote and asked for a blog on this topic, you did not leave your name, but I hope you read this and that it is helpful to you!

With love


1 comment:

  1. It was me! I attended Start Up in August! Thanks so much, we will start on these ideas today! Nancy Ferrari from Folsom California
