Thursday, November 5, 2009

In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning

Every once and a while, I wake up in the middle of the night from a scary dream or from having too many things on my to-do list... But I've found that no matter how scared or stressed I feel, I am always able to find my way back to sleep quickly by imagining that somewhere in the world, someone is playing in a Son-Rise Program playroom at every moment my day or night.

Perhaps it's because I have Australia on the brain, as I'm leaving in two weeks for a holiday in Australia and New Zealand, or perhaps it's because I speak to so many families from ALL over the world every single day - from Poland, Nigeria, England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, Quebec, the Philippines, all 50 US states - just to name a few. Whatever the cause, I've been thinking a lot lately about how beautiful it is that there are SO many Son-Rise Program families out there - families who have made the choice to live their lives with a powerful intention - to love and accept their children exactly as they are.

For me, the playroom has become a sanctuary - where I can go and enjoy every moment - no matter what might be going on in my life or in the world outside. When I'm joining a child's ism or celebrating a child's sound, or laughing a child's first joke, I am completely 100% present in that room. So, for me, there's nothing more beautiful than the thought that at every minute of every day, somewhere in the world someone is in the playroom having a fabulous time.

The next time you're stuck, upset, scared, awake in the middle of the night - you're welcome to join me - by celebrating the joy of the playrooms all around the world. It brings a smile to my face and a peaceful feeling to my heart every single time.

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