Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Relaxing with a Possible Unwanted Future

We have just returned from teaching the Son-Rise Program New Frontiers training course in the UK. It was an incredible week. I was very inspired by all the people who attended the program - there were moms, dads, volunteers, sisters, an aunte, a pastor etc. all coming together to focus on loving their special child/adult and learning more specific techniques to inspire growth in them.

As in all the training courses there is time dedicated to helping families feel more comfort, relaxed and empowered as they run their Son-Rise Programs. This course was no different, and mid-week one of the issue that was talked about, dialogued and discussed was the "fear for my child's future when I am not here." It was beautiful to see the changes people made through facing this fear and allowing themselves to relax right now and then ultimately to be more present and effective when working with their child.

I remember their was a point in our Son-Rise Program with our daughter Jade, when Bryn and I stopped and look at a possible future where Jade was still special and required care - she had been isming and exclusive for an extended period of time. We talk, dialogue, discussed, cried and ultimately came to a deep sense of peace about it - and then the next day we got up and continued to run our Son-Rise Program, feeling more present and ready for the journey with our precious little girl.

Thank you all who attend New Frontiers - it was an honor to be there with you.

Love William

1 comment:

  1. William and Kate, thank you for a great New Frontiers: two of my son Liam's volunteers were there and right now in the playroom I can hear the giggles and fun, as Cali does her stuff. I would love to redo the courses myself- that's powerful Programme Petrol you are handing out. Please keep coming to the UK.
    You mentioned the Fear of the Future-I had it badly at Start-up but nearly 4 years on SonRise has been my road out of that sad, hopeless place.Liam has made a lot of progress, but what has made all the difference was changing my beliefs.Autism is not a life sentence.
